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  • Posted On sept 10, 2018 By Avdesh sharma in Upgrade

    Ecommerce is the new buzz in the Indian commerce Industry. Ever since the concept of internet market has emerged, more and more people are trying out to shift their business over the web and this is where Ecommerce Web Development Company comes to fulfil the needs of such marketers.

    Ecommerce is the new buzz in the Indian commerce Industry. Ever since the concept of internet market has emerged, more and more people are trying out to shift their business over the web and this is where Ecommerce Web Development Company comes to fulfil the needs of such marketers.

    Home Page Development

    Homepage plays a vital role for the website, it's a pulse of overall project. From layout to font and content, everything should be of top class quality. The page should be designed with a lot of photos, testimonials and short video clips to give visitors an informative first impression. Most of the information costumers are looking should be on first page.

    • Easy Navigation
    • Expanding Navigation
    • Making a dynamic product info
  • Posted On sept 10, 2018 By Avdesh sharma in Upgrade

    We all know that this world has become digitalised. Our daily habits are changed as people spend most of their time surfing the internet, that’s why digital marketing came into existence. It is nothing but using the internet in different ways to promote and advertise making awareness for a product or service in order to reach more number of people in less time. This process makes it possible to get one platform to sell and buy and to get wider reach in the market in much less time, This type of marketing helps to deliver advertises through the digital channels like websites, search engines, email, socials media and mobile apps as well. This formula of marketing is a lot better than traditional way followed. Traditional days are long gone. This also guides with the strategies of how to plan, organise and coordinate the mediums to get the maximum benefit and profit.

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